Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 2, my first love

My first love was back in junior high. I can distinctly remember the day. The first few periods were nothing special, but then came my co-ed p.e. class. I don't know how I missed her for so long in that school... I had never noticed her before. But there she was. I guess I was never very observant in Junior High, because soon after noticing her in that class I realized she was in all of my A day classes. So I had to make some advances. I felt inseparable with her. Like we had the strangest connection that even most women wouldn't understand.

That day I saw her in p.e. though, I just felt something. It was new, strange and exciting. A feeling in my chest. It was exhilarating, fascinating, and above all, unmovable. The odd thing is, I didn't actually see her until I was in the locker room. I looked down and there she was...

My First Chest Hair.

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